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Project: Space Tomb [Now in SPANISH and English] By Dennis Siluk

Project: Space Tomb

[Launch pad: Cibara-#17]

It looked like a traveling prison, a space tomb to the observers; a heavy bulky projectile for the most part, as if it was shot out of a cannon, a hundred-thousand years ago; rustic and ancient with a technology unknown to scientists on earth. It was in the shape of a pellet, or bullet, a projectile, charcoal black, with a porthole on each side of it to look out. It was under observation for one-hundred years. The first year there were lights on, inside it, so the documents read on earths daily log. In the projectile were two bodies. Evidently, they had died in there and that was that; and thus, earth left it flow within its nestled orbit around earths moon, as it had fallen into it, one-hundred years until this time; this was kind of a gift to the ancient astronauts within the tomb one might say. As I mentioned before, it had been orbiting for one hundred-years, and the telescope that was tracking it was on top of a mountain in Peru, some 20,700 feet high. And after such a time, interest, of over a billion earthlings had considered this bullet shaped tomb, like their stray cat, now found and being taken care of.

This projectile was being watched from earth by a gigantic telescope; the project was called, Project Space Tomb. And there were three scientist involved. One from America, Tom Macare, one from Peru, Too Guedes (head of the Observatory, although Tom, whom got the financing from American businessmen, thought he was the boss most of the time, and hence, fought with the Peruvian), and Milam Thomas, from England, whom was partly Welsh, so he claimed, was the person who seemed to be putting out the spats between the three, especially Tom and Too. It was an ongoing research project, data collecting of its motions and chemical makeup, as well as metal contents. One of the goals was to try and figure out where it came from without disturbing the sanctity of the tomb itselflest you get a uproar from interest groups on earth. Every group on earth, tried to claim the Tomb as belonging to their ancestors: from the Maya of Mexico and Central America, to the pre-Inca cultures of Peru, and all the way to the North American Indians; and from across the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Egypt, the Egyptians claimed it; and even the Jews claiming it might be part of the Lost Tribes of Israelto mention a few.

The best scenario they could come up with was that the projectile ship was from, perchance, Mars; but then it would be older than dust. A hundred years now seemed little to no time at all; even 100,000-years did not seem long in such a development. It didnt seem to fancy them to look beyond their solar system for some odd reason, perhaps they could have pinpointed it, for there was some markings on it that read, Launch Pad: Cibara #17; although it was only lightly visible through the rusty debris attached to the Tomb, and in some other kind of language other than English or even Spanish. A form of hieroglyphics [symbols of an unknown origin]. That is why the Maya archeologists and anthropologists of Egypt figured it could be of their ancestry. Yet, only half of it was visible, and it was more of a hoax, than reality for the people of earth.

In any case, it did fall perfectly into the Moons orbit, like a navigated asteroid, making its home for a hundred years thereof. It was now the year 2125 AD, the Tomb as the scientist referred to it, was having its birthday today, July 1; it was now one-hundred years old according to earths paperwork. The American scientist, Tom, along with the Englishman, Milan, and Too, the Peruvian, were spellbound to see the Tomb resurrect itself.

The Tombs windows in the projectile were no longer frozen, heat had returned to the projectile. It was 99-years since man had seen light within The Tomb. How could this be, Tom deliberated, looking heavily into the face of the telescope; perhaps an alien ship, or NASA had decided to invade it without notifying themwere his first thoughts.

For the most part, He was obsessed with the event taking place, and his mind shifted from one thought to the next like a child with a new toy. The next thing that took place was the bottom of the projectile had opened up. This was even more amazing for they saw no other space crafts about, so, what took place in the tomb? Or better yet, what was taking place. Evidently the beings within the container were obviously in some kind of hibernation state. But how did the two beings survive a hundred years or longer, was the next question that was going on in all three minds of the scientists; if indeed they did survive, and what they were seeing was not a group-illusion. For after years of looking at the Tomb, they all feared they could end up having some form of mass illusions.

The first year of the 100-year span of them monitoring the Tomb, light was in the Tomb, and each of the two bodies inside the tomb were accounted for; each of the two bodies lay comfortable in two beds within the circumference of the projectile. For 99-years, it was dark inside the tomb, deadly dark, so the whole earth thought.

All said, the American scientist Tom Macare, of the observatory, seen that there now had returned light to the tomb:

It has light, he said in a calm and leveled voiceescalating, saying it several times, as the other two scientists looked strangely at him. Now each of the scientists took their turns watching the events unfold. Many thoughts filled their minds; all guesses of course, but that is when the imagination runs wild, when we dont know, and no one tells us; as a result, they all stood thoughtless for a long while just staring into the telescope watching the turn of events, saying nothing to one another, as they took their five minute intervals.

Humanly speaking, the scientists were tongue-tied, watching these two begins coming out of the butt-end of the projectile. There were many questions the three scientists had, plus, some kind of investigation surely had to be started, if not by NASA, by the worlds intelligence groups, perhaps the Pentagon, for surely they were awoken to the lights. There was a chance they did not see the two beings moving out of its escape hole underneath the projectile, with their low-grade telescope on earth, for the Observatorys could amplify the item 60,000-times, and was the only one with that strength in use at the moment in the United States (yet Tom and Too could not forget the Hubble Space Telescope III, was in place a distance away from the Moon, and it could take wonderful pictures, its intensity was extraordinary, and of course was much closer to the area than the 243,000-miles, as was earths telescope at the Observatory. Too had known it was turned in the opposite direction last time he looked, which was yesterday, yet, no one check it in the past twenty-four hours. The second thought was, that they were the only ones on earth with direct responsibility of monitoring the Tomb so closely; in consequence, if the Military was, they were only in a smaller capacity; and whatever was on their minds, they were not telling anyone, especially the secret site of the Observatory, although everyone knew there was one someplace in the Andes. Again they were saying nothing publicly, perhaps because they felt, the world would wake up and panic if they disclosed the lights being on in the Tomb; if indeed they were aware of the two astronauts coming out of the projectile, would be another matter. It was without question, they saw the lights though, and were perplexed at best.

[Fifteen minutes later] In the mean time, earth scientists at NASA sent out a military space-probe (craft)for investigating the situation, which was normal, thought Tom, but why one with nuclear warheads on it? It was a Comet-probe; called that because of its speed. Approximately 900-miles per minute, thus it would reach its target in about 4.5 hours (or 270-minutes), the Moon and the Tomb; the speed of light being 186,300-miles a second; as one would measure distance in space. Earths Space Program at NASA had mastered the State of Repose, meaning, to have the body rest during the duration of a voyage disregarding the harsh elements of its environment on the body; Tom had figured out the Tomb most likely had conquered the speed of lightin travel, while putting the beings in a state of hypertension ((or state of repose)), during its trillion-mile voyage was smart.

As I was about to say, broadly speaking, sending out the military-probe seemed somewhat ordinary to Tom, not being of military insight, he left the thought linger under defensive security risks. What was really on the three scientist minds, was: what was next with the two beings of the Tomb; and they put all other issues in the back of their minds; that being, notifying anyone, and only with quick jerks, shifted to monitor the probe as she burst through the stratosphere, into interstellar space.

During this time, the two beings from the Tomb incased now into ball like metal coffins, landed on the surface of the moon. The ball like cylinders opened up like a broken egg, yet they were not broken, rather almost like a fetus with a protective thin metal form around themthus, they left them as one might leave his underwater gear on a beach to return to in a few hours. Then they walked throughout the airless planet as if it was an archeological site; mystified. They had landed on the North West side of the Moon, in an area between Mare Imbrium and Sirus Aestuum; the area to the east was where Apollo 15 had landed years ago, now in the history books. Nearby was the huge crater Copernicus, and Ghost Crater, Stadius. Beyond this was the huge Crater Plolemaeus. The two beings were astounded to see Stadius was completely over run by lava, and within its lower structure were huge crevices like tunnels or caves. They could see the orb of the earth from where they stood, it was a treasure to the two beings to see such color on a planet: a gift, or plus, one might say, especially in the gigantic galaxy called the Milky Way, with its horde of planets and stars, Earth being one of a kind, with its one and only sun, and huge moon to protect it. For they had seen many things, to include the center of the Milky Way, where their was a Black Hole; yet Earth was more a treasured sight to them.

Tom noticed a strange happenings, both the individuals were picking up small rocks, holding them tight for a moment (as if squeezing them), then putting them back down on the surface, and repeating this experience over and over, about once every two or three minutes. As if they were sucking out some kind of life, or energy form from them; for their existence I would think. Puzzled as he was, he discounted the probe, for the moment, and watched the operation, still glancing back at the shells the two beings left on the moon, trying to put the puzzle together, or was it simple a riddle, not to be unwound?

After a while, this gave Doctor Tom Macare, an idea, and he mentioned it to his fellow scientists.

In the mean time, the probe was nearing its next phase within its flight, as it headed right for the Space Tomb.

The two beings, now walked among the moons dust, by and by, they found rocks, sucking out lifes existence from them. Broadly speaking, like a bee sucking out the sweetness from a flower. The scientist never faltering in amazement, as they watched the two beings like adolescents watching girls at a dance.

Too started to take some calculations, then shifted quickly to adjust them, and compared them with those for the past 100-years. Said he to the other two:

Look here, the weight of the Tomb was at one time: 18,000-pounds; diameter 110-inches, and wall thickness, some 18-inches, the height about twelve feet. Now comparing that data with the first data we took in the year 2025, there is a big noticeable difference. The Tomb now weights 14,882-pounds, diameter 88-inches, and wall thickness, 15-inches; the height seems to have departed with three feet of its length, to nine feet now.

The other two scientists twitched here and there, said the Englishman, How can this be?

All three looking at one another, Ah, yes, yes, it must be, said the Englishman, as the other two nodded their heads in agreement.

Now the three scientists saw the military-probe in a direct line going towards the Tomb, with almost frightful faces.

Should we call NASA, or Military Intelligence, or perhaps, the White House, the FBI, or CIA, anyone? asked Too.

Said Tom, looking back into the telescopewith Milan next to him trying to get a glance, Do whatever you must, well keep you updated.

But Too could not bear to leave these comrades with all the new information being extracted minute by minute, and for them to get the glory of the new discovery when the science magazines come out was too much to bear, and to be quite frank, was out of the question. Therefore, he remained with the other two trying to get his 1/3 of the telescopes time, watching the events unfold, moment by moment. Tom glanced at Too, realizing he was not going to be the one losing the moment of excitement, and hence, handed the telescope over to him for his five minute interval, at which time the military-probe had reached its destination.

The lights of the Tomb went off again, as the bodies of the beings were on the moon, they had unplugged their bodies with a connecting devisebefore they had left, which went into the main body structure of the Tomb; as if it was an incubator. The probe circled the Tomb several times, but the scientist, Too had given the telescope back to Tom (saying nothing about its maneuvers), who gave it to Milan, who shifted immediately to the Moons surface and the two beings, Too not saying anything about the probe, not thinking about it for the most part, for he had only seen it circle once, and that was only halfway around the Tomb, and times slips by quickly by when such things take place.

The military man in the probe now could be seen (by you and me, if this was a movie) talking on a handset-devise, for still the scientist was busy with the beings on the Moon.

Hom! said Too, the two shells surely are life supporting items, like turtle shells you might say, how interesting; they must have to plug themselves into them as they do inside the Tomb.

Tom now could see the life supporting energy the two beings were receiving from the items: rocks in particular, along with some strata formed substances, they were also picking up, homunbelievable, was all he could say for the moment; then added: these beings could be eons old, whom is to say [?] and he said no more.

Calm everybody, said the Englishman, trying to restore some equilibrium, as they now switched back to the Tomb, watching the military-probe, like a snake circle the obstacle for the eighth time.

I think was all Milan, could say, when all of a sudden the probe disappeared, and a small nuclear blast followed thereafter; Milans mouth gaped, he then looked at Tom, as Tom looked at Too, all stone-still, and silent.

Too now took command of the telescope, the two small beings, one a little taller than the other, about four feet tall, held the hand of the other, as they walked into the darkness of the moon, seemingly, an endless shadow. Too knew the smaller one of the two was hurt, hemorrhaging from the fall she took from the blast, she had hit her head on a surface rock. They could have gone to their shells, thought Too, but they simply looked up and saw their home was goneblasted into molecular space-dust. As Too later would demise: what for [?], why would they even consider going to their shellsfor what purpose? The Moon was cold looking, dark and exhausted. The three scientists could no longer look into the telescope.

[Conclusion: Part One] When one action is put into place, it often times produces ripples; I am referring to the word given on earth to destroy the module, or Space Tomb, that was orbiting the Moon; thus, all forms of ripples, or even waves are ordained thereafter; yes, the Ministers of Doom are released and it is a free-for-all, one might say, and these currents could be many and variousfor we deal perhaps with the ages, and beings from the furthermost ends of a galaxyand know not their capabilities.

In Spanish

Translated by Nancy Penaloza

Proyecto: Fosa espacial
(Plataforma de lanzamiento: Cibara-#17)

Pareca como una prisin de viajes, una fosa espacial a los observadores; un proyectil pesado luminoso principalmente, como si fue disparado de un can, hace cien mil aos; rustico y antiguo con una tecnologa desconocida por los cientficos de la tierra. Estaba en forma de pelotilla o bala, un proyectil, negro como el carbn de lea con una gua a cada lado para mirar. Estuvo bajo observacin durante cien aos. El primer ao haba luces encendidas, dentro de el, por eso los documentos se leyeron diariamente en el diario de la tierra. En el proyectil hubo dos cuerpos. Evidentemente, ellos haban muerto all y as fue, por eso, la tierra lo dejo flotando dentro de su orbita alrededor de la luna, como si esto hubiese cado dentro, desde hace cien mil aos hasta este tiempo; esto fue como un regalo para los antiguos astronautas dentro de esta tumba, uno podra decir. Como lo mencion antes, esto haba estado orbitando por cien mil aos, y el telescopio que lo estuvo rastreando estaba sobre la cima de una montaa en Per, aproximadamente 20,700 pies de altitud, y despus de aquel tiempo, interesante. Ms de mil millones de terrcolas considerando esta bala la tumba formada, como su gato vago, ahora encontrado y siendo tomado con cuidado.

Este proyectil estuvo siendo observado desde la tierra por un telescopio gigantesco; el proyecto fue llamado, Proyecto Tumba espacial. Y hubieron cientficos implicados, uno de Amrica, Tom Macare, uno de Per, Too Guedes (Jefe, del invernadero, aunque Tom, quien consigui financiamiento de los comerciantes Americanos, pens que l fue el jefe la mayor parte del tiempo, y por eso, peleo con el Peruano), y Miln Thomas de Inglaterra, quien era en parte Gales, entonces l lamento, era la persona que pareca estar sacando las fajas entre los tres sobre todo Tom y Too.

Este era un proyecto de investigacin en curso, recogiendo los datos de sus movimientos y maquillaje qumico, tanto como el contenido de metal. Una de las metas era intentar y calcular de donde venan, sin molestar la santidad de la tumba as, misma-no sea que Ud consiga un alboroto de grupos de inters sobre la tierra. Cada grupo, tratando de reclamar la tumba como perteneciente a sus ancestros: desde los Mayas de Mxico y Centro Amrica, a las culturas Pre- Incas de Per, y todas las formas del Indio Norte- Americano ; y desde mas all del Ocano atlntico todos los caminos de Egipto, los egipcios reclamndolo. Y aun los judos reclamando esto podra ser parte de las tribus perdidas de Israel para mencionar unos cuantos.

El mejor escenario del cual ellos pudieron venir fue que el proyectil era posiblemente de, Marte; pero entonces sera ms viejo que el polvo. Cien aos ahora parecieron poco a ningn tiempo en absoluto; an 100,000 aos no pareci largo en tal desarrollo. No pareci imaginrselos mirando ms all de su sistema solar por alguna extraa razn, quizs ellos podran haberlo sealado, por que haba algunas marcas sobre esto, que se lean, Plataforma de lanzamiento: Cibara *17; aunque fuera slo ligeramente visible por los desechos oxidados enlazados a la Tumba, y en alguna otra clase de lengua, otra que no era el ingls o hasta el espaol. Una forma de jeroglficos [los smbolos de un origen desconocido]. Es por eso que los arquelogos Maya y antroplogos de Egipto calcularon que esto podra ser de sus antepasados. Aunque solo la mitad de esto fuera claro, y fue mas que una broma pesada, realmente para la gente de la tierra.

De cualquier modo, esto cay perfectamente dentro de la orbita de la luna, como un asteroide navegando, haciendo su casa por cientos de aos. Era ahora el ao 2125 antes de cristo, la tumba a la que los cientficos se refirieron, estaba teniendo su aniversario hoy da, 01 de Julio; esto era ahora cien aos de edad de acuerdo al trabajo administrativo de la tierra. Los cientficos americanos, Tom, junto con el Ingles, Milam, y Too, el peruano, estuvieron hechizados de ver la tumba resucitada a si misma.

Las ventanas de la tumba en el proyectil no estuvieron congeladas por mucho tiempo, el calor haba regresado al proyectil. Fue 99 aos desde que el hombre haba visto luz dentro de la fosa. Como podra ser esto, Tom deliberando, mirando profundamente dentro de la cara del telescopio; talvez un navo extraterrestre, o la NASA haba decidido invadir sin notificarles a ellos- fueron sus primeros pensamientos.

Por lo dems, el estaba obsesionado con el evento actual, y su mente cambiando de un pensamiento al siguiente como un nio con un nuevo juguete. La siguiente cosa que tomo lugar fue que la base del proyectil se haba abierto. Esto fue aun mas asombroso por que ellos no vieron otros navos espaciales parecidos cerca, entonces, que ocurri en la tumba? O mejor an Que estaba pasando? Evidentemente los seres dentro del contenedor estuvieron en alguna clase de estado de hibernacin. Pero como sobrevivieron los dos seres cien aos tan largos, fue la siguiente pregunta que estaba rondando en la mente de los tres cientficos; si de verdad ellos sobrevivieron, y si lo que estaban viendo ellos no era una ilusin de grupo. Despus de aos de mirar la fosa, todos ellos teman que terminaran teniendo alguna forma de ilusin de masa.

-El primero, de los 100 aos medidos por ellos, supervisando la tumba, la luz estaba en ella, y cada uno de los cuerpos dentro fue considerado por que cada uno de ellos descansaran confortablemente en dos camas dentro de la circunferencia del proyectil. Por 99 aos, era oscuro dentro de la tumba, mortalmente oscuro, toda la tierra pens as. Todos decan. El cientfico americano Tom Macare, del observatorio, vio que ahora all haba regresado la luz para la tumba:

hay luz, dijo l, con una calmada y nivelada voz- intensificando, diciendo esto muchas veces, como los otros dos cientficos lo miraban extraados. Ahora cada uno de los cientficos tom a su turno los eventos revelados. Muchos pensamientos llenaban sus mentes, todos adivinaban por supuesto, pero es cuando la imaginacin corre salvajemente, cuando no sabemos, y nadie nos dice; como resultado, todos ellos irreflexivos por un largo momento mirando fijamente justo dentro del telescopio mirando nuevamente los acontecimientos no diciendo nada al otro, como si ellos tomaran sus cinco minutos de intervalo.

Humanamente hablando, los cientficos estuvieron con la lengua atada, mirando estas dos aperturas saliendo del extremo final del proyectil. Haba muchas preguntas que los tres cientficos tenan, mas, alguna clase de investigacin seguramente haba empezado, si no por la NASA, por grupos de inteligencia mundial, talvez el Pentgono, por que seguramente ellos fueron despertados por las luces. Hubo una posibilidad, ellos no vieron a los dos seres movindose fuera de su hueco de escape bajo el proyectil, con sus telescopio de bajo grado sobre la tierra, para que los observatorios pudieran amplificarlos el tamao en 60,000 veces, y era solo uno con tal intensidad de fuerza en uso en este momento en los Estados Unidos (aun Tom y Too no podan olvidar que el telescopio del espacio The Hublle lll, estuvo en un lugar distante desde la luna, y este poda tomar fotos maravillosas, su intensidad era extraordinaria, y por supuesto estuvo mucho mas cerca al rea de 243,000 millas, como estuvo el telescopio de la tierra en el observatorio. Too saba que este fue encendido en la direccin opuesta la ltima vez que lo vio, el cual fue ayer, aun, nadie ha verificado en las pasadas 24 horas. El segundo pensamiento fue, que ellos fueron los nicos sobre la tierra directamente responsables de vigilar la fosa tan cercanamente; en consecuencia si los militares fueran, ellos estaban en una capacidad mas pequea; y cualquier cosa que estuviera en sus mentes, ellos no decan a nadie, especialmente el sitio secreto del conservatorio, sin embargo todos saban que haba algn lugar en los andes. Nuevamente ellos no estuvieron diciendo nada pblicamente, talvez, porque ellos sentan, que el mundo podra despertar y entrar en pnico si ellos descubran la luz que haba en la tumba; si de verdad ellos estuvieron concientes de los dos astronautas saliendo del proyectil, seria otra materia. Esto era sin duda, ellos vieron la luz pens, y ellos estuvieron perplejos a lo mejor.

(15 minutos mas tarde) al mismo tiempo, los Cientficos de la tierra en la NASA enviaron una buja espacial militar al espacio (nave) para investigar la situacin, lo cual fue normal, pens Tom, pero porqu uno con arcos de guerra en el? Esto fue una buja de cometa; llamado as a causa de su velocidad. Aproximadamente 900 millas por minuto, mas esto podra alcanzar su objetivo en 4.5 horas (o 270-minutos), la luna y la tumba; siendo la velocidad de la luz 186,300 millas por segundo; como uno podra medir la distancia en el espacio.

El programa de vuelos espaciales de la tierra en la NASA haba dominado El estado de reposo esto significaba, tener el cuerpo descansado durante la duracin del viaje desestimando de los elementos speros de su ambiente en el cuerpo, Tom haba comprendido que la tumba mas probablemente haba conquistado la velocidad de la luz en el viaje, poniendo mientras a los seres en un estado de hipertensin (o estado de reposo) durante su billn de millas de viaje era inteligente.

Como estuve a punto de decir, ampliamente hablando, enviando fuera la prueba militar pareca algo extraordinario para Tom, no siendo un militar en cuestin, el dejo el pensamiento unido bajo la defensiva de seguridad de riesgo. Lo que realmente estuvo sobre la mente de los tres cientficos fue, que era lo prximo con los dos seres de la tumba?; y ellos pusieron todos los otros problemas en el fondo de sus mentes, siendo esto, notificado a todo el mundo, y slo con jalones rpidos, cambiados para supervisar la sonda como ella se revent por la estratosfera, en el espacio Inter.-estelar.

Durante este tiempo, los dos seres de la tumba revestidos ahora dentro de pelotas como atades metlicos, aterrizados sobre la superficie de la luna. La bola como cilindros se abri como un huevo roto, aunque ellos no estuvieron rotos, ms bien casi como un feto con una forma protectora delgada metlica alrededor de ellos as, ellos los dejaron como uno podra dejar su engranaje submarino sobre una playa para volver luego en unas horas. Entonces ellos anduvieron por todas partes del planeta sin viento como si esto fuera un sitio arqueolgico; Desconcertados. Ellos haban aterrizado sobre el lado de Oeste de Norte de la Luna, en un rea entre la Yegua Imbrium y Sirus Aestuum; el rea al este era donde Apolo 15 haba aterrizado hace aos, ahora en los libros de historia. Cercano estaba el enorme crter Copernicus, y el crter fantasma, stadius mas all de esto estaba el enorme crter plolemaeus. Los dos seres estuvieron asombrados viendo que Stadius era completamente sobre-controlado por la lava, y dentro de su estructura inferior haban enormes grietas como tneles o cuevas. Ellos podran ver la orbita de la tierra desde donde ellos estuvieron de pie, esto era un tesoro para los dos seres poder ver tales colores sobre un planeta: un regalo, o ms, uno podra decir, sobre todo en la galaxia gigantesca llamada la Va Lctea, con su multitud de planetas y estrellas, la Tierra siendo una de ellas, con su nico y slo sol, y la enorme luna para protegerlo. Ya que ellos haban visto muchas cosas, incluso el centro de de la Va Lctea, donde estaba un agujero negro; an la Tierra era ms que un lugar atesorado por ellos

Tom not un acontecimiento extrao, ambos individuos recogan pequeas rocas, sostenindolos apretado durante un momento (como exprimindolos), luego ponindolos echndolos atrs sobre la superficie, y repitiendo esta experiencia una y otra vez, cerca de unos 2 o 3 minutos. Como si ellos extraan hacia fuera una especie de vida, o una forma de energa para ellos; para su existencia, yo pensara. Perplejo como l estaba, l disminuyo la prueba, por el momento, y mir la operacin, todava mirando de reojo atrs en las cscaras que los dos seres dejaron sobre la luna, tratando de juntar el rompecabezas, o esto era simplemente un filtro, no siendo desenrollado?

Al cabo de un rato de esto el Doctor Tom Macare, dio una idea, y lo mencion a sus colegas cientficos. Al mismo tiempo, la prueba estaba acercndose a su siguiente fase dentro de su vuelo, como si esto se dirigiera directamente hacia la tumba espacial.

-Los dos seres, ahora anduvieron entre el polvo de la luna, ande y ande ellos encontraron rocas, chupando hacia fuera la existencia de vida de ellos. Hablando en trminos generales, como una abeja que chupa hacia fuera el dulzor de una flor. El cientfico nunca vacil ente el asombro, mientras ellos miraban a los dos seres como adolescentes que miran a muchachas en un baile. Too comenz a tomar algunos clculos, luego cambiados rpidamente para ajustarlos, y los compar con aquellos de hace 100 aos. Dijo l a otros dos:

miren aqu, el peso de la Tumba era en cierta poca: 18,000 libras; dimetro 110 pulgadas, y grosor de la pared, aproximadamente 18 pulgadas, la altura aproximadamente doce pies. Ahora comparando esto datos con los primeros datos tomamos en el ao 2025, hay una gran diferencia notable. La Tumba ahora pesa 14,882 libras, dimetro 88 pulgadas, y grosor de la pared, 15 pulgadas; la altura parece haberse esfumado cerca tres pies de longitud, a nueve pies ahora.

Los dos cientficos precipitndose aqu y all, el ingls dijo: " Cmo puede ser esto?.

Todos los tres mirndose uno al otro, " Ah, s, s, debe ser, " dijo el ingls, mientras los otros dos movieron sus cabezas en acuerdo.

Ahora los tres cientficos vieron la buja militar en una lnea directa yendo hacia la tumba, con caras casi espantadas.

" Deberamos nosotros llamar a la NASA, o la Inteligencia militar, o quizs, la Casa Blanca, la Brigada de Investigacin Criminal, o la Agencia Central de Informacin, cualquiera? pregunt Too.

Tom dijo, mirando otra vez en el telescopio - con Milam cerca de l tratando de conseguir un vistazo, "haz lo que debes hacer, nosotros te mantendremos informado.

Pero Too no poda llevar para abandonar a estos compaeros con toda la nueva informacin siendo extrada minuto a minuto, y para que ellos consiguieran la gloria del nuevo descubrimiento cuando las revistas de ciencia vinieran era demasiado para llevar, y para ser bastante franco, era inadmisible. Por lo tanto, l permaneci con los otros dos tratando de conseguir su 1/3 del tiempo del telescopio, mirando los acontecimientos revelados, de momento a momento. Tom echaba un vistazo a Too, comprendiendo que l no iba a ser el que pierda el momento de entusiasmo, y de ah, le entreg el telescopio por intervalo de su cinco minuto, en tal tiempo la buja militar haba alcanzado su destino.

Las luces de la Tumba se apagaron otra vez, como los cuerpos de los seres estaban sobre la luna, ellos haban destapado sus cuerpos con una conexin inventada - antes de que ellos se hubieran marchado- entr en la estructura de cuerpo principal de la Tumba; como si esto era una incubadora. La buja rode sobre la Tumba varias veces, pero el cientfico, Too haba devuelto el telescopio a Tom (no diciendo nada acerca de sus maniobras), quien lo dio a Milano, que cambi inmediatamente a la superficie de Luna y los dos seres, Too sin decir nada sobre la buja, no pensando en ello principalmente, ya que l slo haba visto el crculo una vez, y era slo a mitad de camino alrededor de la Tumba, y resbalones de veces rpidamente como cuando tales cosas ocurren. El militar en la buja ahora podra ser visto (por usted y por m, como si esto fuera una pelcula) hablando sobre un invento microtelfono, pera todava el cientfico estaba ocupado en los seres sobre la Luna.

Hom! dijo Too, Las dos cscaras seguramente son la vida que soporta los artculos, como cscaras de tortuga usted podra decir, cuan interesante; ellos deben haber tenido que taparse con ellos como lo hacen dentro de la Tumba. Tom ahora poda ver que la vida apoyando la energa que los dos seres reciban de los artculos: las rocas en particular, con algunos estratos formaron sustancias, que ellos tambin recogan, Homincreblemente, era todo lo que l poda decir por el momento; entonces aadi: estos seres podran ser viejos de era, quien debe decir [?] " Y l no dijo ms.

Tranquilos todos", dijo el Ingls, tratando de restaurar algn equilibrio, as ellos ahora regresaron a la Tumba, mirando la buja militar, como una serpiente rodeando sobre el obstculo por la octava vez.

Pienso . Fue todo Milam, podra decir, cuando de repente la buja desapareci, y una pequea rfaga nuclear seguida a partir de entonces; la boca de Milano bostez, l entonces mir a Tom, como Tom mir Too, todava atnito y silencioso.

Too ahora tom el mando del telescopio, los dos pequeos seres, uno ms alto que el otro, aproximadamente cuatro pies altitud sostuvo la mano del otro, como si ellos anduvieran en la oscuridad de la luna, similarmente, una sombra infinita. Too saba que el ms pequeo de los dos estaba herido, haciendo una hemorragia de la cada que ella tom de la rfaga, ella se haba golpeado la cabeza sobre una roca superficial. Ellos podan haber ido a sus cscaras, pens Too, pero ellos simplemente miraron y vieron que su casa se haba ido - maldito en el polvo espacial molecular. Como Too ms tarde legara: para qu [?], por qu an pensaran ellos ir a su cascaronespor qu propsito? La Luna se vea fra, oscura y agotada. Los tres cientficos no podan examinar ms el telescopio.

[Conclusin: Primera parte] Cuando una accin es puesta en el lugar, ello a menudas veces producen altibajos; me refiero a la palabra dada sobre la tierra para destruir el mdulo, o la Tumba Espacial, que estaba orbitando la Luna; mas, todas las formas de ondulacin, o an (ola) son ordenadas a partir de entonces; s, los Ministros de Destino son liberados y esto es una lucha general, uno podra decir, y estas corrientes podran ser muchos y varias - ya que nosotros quizs tratamos con los aos, y seres a partir de los mas lejanos finales de una galaxia - y no conocemos sus capacidades.

Dennis Siluk, see his new book "Spell of the Andes," on most internet book dealers, as http://www.bn.com or http://www.abe.com

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